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Cebrynski Tadeusz

Kachmarski, Mr. Brother Lazar (Shiyan Lazar) Brother Teodosy (Cebrynski Tadeusz) Mr. Kachmarski lived in Lwów (today L’viv), where he owned a shoe store and factory in the center of the city. Through his business contacts, he knew Abraham Fink, a Jew who manufactured shoes. On June 30, 1941, when the Germans occupied Lwów, Kachmarski was appointed Commissar of the Ukrainian police in the city. In September 1941, with the first wave of the murder of Jews, Kachmarski visited Fink’s home and offered his help. Consequently, throughout the following year, Kachmarski brought food from time to time to Fink, to his wife, Fajga, and their daughters Anna (b. 1930) and Bela (b. 1934) and did his best to lift their spirits. After the Aktion of November 1942, Kachmarski went to the Fink family, which then was already interned in the ghetto, and told them he had resigned from his position. He described to them the situation of the Jews of Lwów and suggested to Fink that he leave the ghetto and search for shelter on the Aryan side of the city. As a possible hiding place, Kachmarski suggested the small shoe factory, Solid, where two monks from the Studite order worked as cobblers. They had told Kachmarski they were ready to help Jews. That same day, the four Finks were moved to the factory, where they were cared for devotedly by the monks Teodosy (formerly Tadeusz Cebrynski) and Lazar (formerly Shiyan, Lazar). The two monks lived at the Studite monastery on Pyotr Skarga Street in Lwów, and came to work at the factory every day. They prepared a camouflaged hiding place for the four Jews in the basement of the factory and provided them with all their needs. Later, when it turned out that the conditions in the shelter were not suitable for the children, Anna and Bela were moved to a children’s home that belonged to the Studite order, where they lived under assumed identities until the liberation, on July 27, 1944. Abraham and Fajga Fink hid in the Solid factory until the liberation, and after the war, the family immigrated to Israel. On January 5, 1984, Yad Vashem recognized Mr. Kachmarski, Brother Lazar (Shiyan Lazar) and Brother Teodosy (Cebrynski Tadeusz), as Righteous Among the Nations.
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