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Caligiuri Clelia

Clelia Caligiuri
Clelia Caligiuri
Caligiuri, Clelia Clelia Caligiuri De Gregorio, a widow, used to spend summer vacations with her three children at Follina, in the Treviso province, where she met Sarina Karliner, (née Altaratz) a refugee from Yugoslavia. Like many other Jewish refugees, Karliner left Zagreb in 1941, for Split in Dalmatia, where the Italian army occupation headquarters and various civil administration institutions were located. From there she was transferred in as a civilian internee to the village of Follina in Italy. She was not allowed to leave the farm and tried not to be seen too often in the street. Caligiuri used to meet her every day clandestinely, bringing her food. Karliner revealed to her benefactor her fears that northern Italy would be conquered by the Germans. In that case, Caligiuri promised her, she would take her to her home in Piavon. After the surrender of Italy and the subsequent German occupation, Caligiuri kept her word. She arranged a hiding place in a closet she fixed up specifically for this purpose. Karliner was sheltered there until July 1944. Caligiuri supplied her with food and everything she needed. When, in July 1944, there was a danger that the SS might discover the hideout, Caligiuri contacted the priest of Lutrano (Fontanella) and asked him to extend help to Karliner. When he agreed, Caligiuri escorted Karliner to Lutrano to make sure she would arrive safely. Karliner remained there until the liberation. During that last phase of her hiding, Caligiuri visited twice a week, bringing her food. The kind and generous Caligiuri also gave her some money in the event that circumstances would necessitate a sudden escape. On October 18, 1966, Yad Vashem recognized Clelia Caligiuri as Righteous Among the Nations.
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Ceremony In Yad Vashem
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