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Sidelko Rozalia

Sisters Ligoria, Bernarda and Emilia recieve their certificate of honor; together with the survivor- Miriam Klein, 29.07.1987
Sisters Ligoria, Bernarda and Emilia recieve their certificate of honor; together with the survivor- Miriam Klein, 29.07.1987
Wąsowska-Renot, Eugenia (Sister Alfonsa) Grenda, Anna (Sister Ligoria) Sidełko, Rozalia Domicella (Sister Bernarda) Juśkiewicz, Leokadia (Sister Emilia) During the occupation, 13 Jewish children - ten girls and three boys - found shelter at the residence of the Convent of the Sacred Heart (Ochronka im. Swietogo Serca) in Przemysl, run by Sisters Ligoria, Bernarda, Emilia & Alfonsa. The nun’s rescue operation began one day in July 1942, when they found an abandoned infant crying piercingly at the convent gate. Because Aktionen and deportations from the Przemysl ghetto were occurring at this time, additional Jewish children were taken to the convent - several directly by their parents, some by Catholic go-betweens such as Kazika Romankiewicz, and others placed at the convent entrance with a note attached to their clothing. As devout Catholics, the nuns rescued the Jewish children even though they were aware of the personal risk. The children received devoted and loving care and the nuns kept them fed and clothed despite the state of deprivation at the convent. As part of the nuns' precautions, the Jewish youngsters were not issued official ration cards and Sister Alfonsa unhesitatingly begged and solicited donations for the convent children. Notably, the four nuns had no missionary motive in their rescue effort and never attempted to convert their young wards. In November 1944, after Przemysl was liberated, the nuns, at their own initiative delivered the 13 Jewish children whom they had saved, to the Jewish committee that had been established in the town. After the war, Sister Alfonsa left the convent; renounced her vows, and emigrated to Australia. Under her new name, Eugenia Renot, she visited Israel, where most of “her” children - those who had settled in Israel - gave her an emotional reception. On October 26, 1980, Yad Vashem recognized Eugenia Wąsowska-Renot (Sister Alfonsa), as Righteous Among the Nations. On September 11,1986, Yad Vashem recognized Anna Grenda (Sister Ligoria), Rozalia Domicella Sidełko (Sister Bernarda), and Leokadia Juśkiewicz (Sister Emilia), as Righteous Among the Nations.
Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Item ID
Recognition Date
Wall of Honor
Ceremony In Yad Vashem
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