Baran, Katarzyna
Góra, Walerian
Góra, Katarzyna
Lea Sara Weiler was born in 1930 in Rawa Ruska, Poland, to Leibisz and Szejndla. The Weilers already had two sons and a daughter. In 1937 and 1938, respectively, two more sisters were born: Ewa and Edyta (called Edzia).
When in 1943 the situation in Rawa became exceedingly dangerous, the Weilers searched in desperation for someone who could help hide their children. Through a family friend, Helena Adler, they met the Góra family. Helena was already hiding with Katarzyna Baran. Baran lived close to the farm belonging to Walerian and Katarzyna Góra, her son-in-law and daughter. The younger Katarzyna and her husband, despite being very poor and having several small children of their own, decided to take the three Weiler daughters in. They placed them in the attic and removed the ladder so that their own children would not climb up and discover the Jewish girls.
The three girls remained in the attic for the duration of their stay with the Góras. Their legs were covered in sores, and they spent most of their time lying down. The Góras, who were themselves in need, gave the girls as much food as they could, as well as blankets to stay warm at night. They also took out the waste bucket every night. They needed to exercise constant vigilance, for fear that their own children would discover the truth. Their son Edward, who was at the time of the events no older than 6, remembers that often when he and the neighbors’ children were playing, the ball would fly into the attic. Each time, an invisible hand returned it, lest the children come up looking for it, and the game would continue.
The Weilers and Helena Adler remained with the Góras and Katarzyna Baran until the end of the war. They survived due to the selfless dedication of this humble Catholic family who never asked for anything in return. Lea Sara Weiler went on to create her own family in the United States. She remained in touch with the Góras’ descendants. In 2015, aged 85, she took her daughter and granddaughter to Rawa Ruska to see the place where her parents and three older siblings had been murdered.
On December 29, 2015, Yad Vashem recognized Katarzyna Baran and Walerian and Katarzyna Góra as Righteous Among the Nations.