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Riga, Latvia, A group photograph of "Mechina" Class B at a physical education class, 1933.

Appearing in the photograph (tight to left): Bottom row: Rivka Bulko (Sitting first on the right) (perished in the Holocaust); Rivka Gleser; unknown; Lea Grinman; Mirjam (Musja) Jazkan; three unknown girls. Second row: Shulamit (Mausi) Bielinky; Taiba Mawrer; Betti Rosenstein; Eugenia Gurewitsch; Eugenia Barkan; Fira Ben-Nun; Rachel Hovscha (later exiled to Siberia where she died); Gita Kahn (died in Israel); unknown (perished in the Holocaust); Asija Moiseev. Top row: Westermann; Aba Remigolski (perished in the Holocaust); unknown; Davia (Dodik) Golfman (served in the Red Army. Died in 1950);Roma Minsker (perished in the Holocaust); unknown; Aisik (Alexander) Levin (a survivor that later immigrated to Israel); Westerman (perished in the Holocaust); Liberman; Ruwa Schomer (later exiled to Siberia. Immigrated to Germany); Siama Levenson (perished in the Holocaust); Boja Jankelowitsch (later exiled to Siberia); unknown (perished in the Holocaust); Aron Schlomowitsch (a survivor that later immigrated to Zurich); Ulman (perished in the Holocaust) Ruwen Bark (served in the Red Army, disabled veterans, stayed in Riga); unknown (perished in the Holocaust). Standing at the back: Mr. Markus Hari the gymnastics teacher and Mrs. Pliner home room teacher. Both perished.
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