Permanent residence prior to WWII. If not available, place of birth will be shown instead. Country names are according to international borders as of January 1938.
Fate based on all the relevant sources (documents) available
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Synonyms YV
Daitch-Mokotoff soundex
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Maiden Name:
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Year of Birth:
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Year of Death:
Search by year of death during the Holocaust period: 1933-1945. Select 'Exact'; from the drop-down list to search the exact year, or select '+/- 2 years'; or '+/- 5 years'
Place of Birth:
Search by name of Town, Village, District, Region or Country of birth.
Before the War:
Search by name of any place during the Holocaust period: Town,Village, Camp, Ghetto, District, Region or Country
During the War/Shoah:
Search by name of Prewar permanent residence, Town, Village, District, Region or Country.
Place of Death:
Search by name of any Town, Village, Camp, Ghetto, District, Region or Country.
Father's First Name:
Search by victim's father's first name including diminutives and nicknames
Mother's First Name:
Search by victims's mother's first name, including diminutives or nicknames.
Mother's Maiden Name:
Search by victim's mother's last name before marriage.
Spouse's First Name:
Search by first name of victim's spouse.
Spouse's Last Name:
Search by family name before marriage of victim's spouse.
Submitter Last Name:
Search by last name of the submitter the Page of Testimony. This search will also show maiden names.
Submitter First Name:
Search by last name of the submitter of the Page of Testimony, including diminutives or nicknames
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