A documentary. A few weeks before the opening of the Eichmann trial, transcripts of recorded conversations that Adolf Eichmann had with a Dutch Nazi journalist, Willem Sassen, were mysteriously handed over to prosecutor Gideon Hausner. The conversations were held a few years before Eichmann was brought to Israel by the Mossad. During the trial, Eichmann tried to convince that he was only a bureaucrat who carried out orders, but in the transcripts, Eichmann was found boasting and proud of his significant role in planning and executing the Final Solution. For the first time, we will confront Eichmann with himself...
כתבת טלוויזיה. הכתבה שודרה במסגרת "חדשות הערב" ב"קשת 12" בתאריך 25/1/2021. בכתבה מסופר על מחזה חדש העוסק במשפט אייכמן , לרגל שישים שנה למשפט, שעולה בתיאטרון "הבימה"ה מחזה נכתב על ידי מוטי לרנר.
Production Year : 2021
Duration : 4
Language : Hebrew
Synonyms YV
Eichmann Trial
Eichmann, Adolf
Hausner Gideon
Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (punishment) Law 5710-1950