This documentary, based on family photographs and interviews tells the story of Lisa and Aron Derman, young polish-Jewish couple that escaped the Vilna ghetto in 1941 to join the partisans. Only 15 and 18 at the time, they fought and survived in the forests of Lithuania until the war was over. For weeks they traveled, making their way across mountains and borders. Finally they reached Italy, and there they met the Jewish Brigade. Few in their families survived. For many years lisa devoted her life to education and learning about the Holocaust and humanity.
This postwar drama tells the story of Hans, a German acclaimed stage actor who has been discharged from military service during WWII in explicitly specify condition that he must divorce his Jewish wife.
A series of 5 films about Auschwitz death camp.
1. “The Longest Assembly,” tells a story from 1940, when the prisoners were made to stand for 20 hours on the prison grounds as a punishment for the escape of a fellow prisoner. Few survived.
2. This is the story of the camp orchestra, which played marches to the commandants leaving and entering the barracks and gave Sunday concerts of operetta, opera and dancing music for the camp staff and their families.
3. “The Birkenau Loading Ramp” episode is composed of some 200 photographs taken by a German camp photographer, constituting the...