A documentary and animated film. At the young age of 20, Yosef Dadosh was among 3,000 Jews sent from their homes in Benghazi to the Giado concentration camp nestled in the heart of the Libyan desert. Amidst extreme conditions, he bravely chronicled life within the camp through a secret diary. For seven decades, his diary remained locked away in a closet, concealed from the world, until after his passing. Yosef's diary provides a window into the harrowing routine at Giado. It captures the atrocities endured by its inhabitants in real time, offering an account of their suffering. Despite his dedication to raising...
Director : Sharon Yaish, Golan Rise
Production Year : 2023
Duration : 55
Language : Hebrew, Italian
Synonyms YV
Antisemitism - Libya
Attitude Toward Jews - Libya and Libyan Population