This 1936 film tells the story of the doings of foreign agents in Germany and their allies among the German population. Having placed an ad in a local paper looking for "contact with bigwigs in German industry", enemy agents Morris and Geyer end up making contact with an engineer named Brockau. Brockau has developed an improvement in turning oil into gasoline and that's just what these enemy agents are looking for. Brockau, for his part, needs money, because his girlfriend is a selfish cow who demands more and more toys and trinkets, which has put our naive little nerd deep into debt. Brockau, however, is not...
The propagandistic feature film deals with activities of the Soviet secret police. The young Baltic German Olga Feodorowna is longing for revenge for the murder of her family by the Soviets and becomes a double agent. The film is severely anti-communist, anti-Soviet and anti-Semitic as it imagines the Soviet Union to be run by conspiratorial Jewish Communists.