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The Last Christian Knight - Trailer

Demo to documentary about Knud Dyby, former policeman, actively participated in the Danish resistance to the German occupation of Denmark. A strong sense of decency and compassion caused him to risk his life to aid Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust that engulfed Europe from 1939-1945. Using his connections with fishing boat skippers, he arranged for the secretive transport of Jews to safety in Sweden and showed great courage in assisting Jewish families. He conveyed to Swedish safety over thirty Allied airmen downed behind enemy lines, and saboteurs, Baltic refugees and others fleeing the Nazis were smuggled across the narrow body of water between Denmark and Sweden. Knud Dyby alone was responsible for as much as eighty percent of the information that reached Sweden from Denmark in the last months of 1944 and the first three months of 1945. After the war, Knud Dyby emigrated from Denmark, ultimately settling in the San Francisco Bay area. His efforts to assist Danish Jews in escaping to Sweden has been recognized by numerous Jewish organizations. On November 9, 1999, he was honored again by the Los Angeles Simon Wiesenthal Center for his humanitarian efforts during WW II.