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The American Jewish Composers in Classical Song

A Dudele (A Little Song) – Arr. Leo Low / Text and music: attrib. Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev Sabbath Song – A.W. Binder / Text: Traditional, liturgy Hath not a Jew eyes? The Merchant of Venice, Act II – Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco / Text: Shakespeare (First U.S. Performance; first recording) A Petition to the Governor – John Corigliano / Text: William M. Hoffman (World Premiere; first recording) Kol Kara (A Voice Called) – Max Helfman / Poetry: Hannah Senesh Cantare from Sh’ma – Simon Sargon / Poetry: Primo Levi (World Premiere, piano version; first recording) Cartload of Shoes – Ronald Senator / Poetry: Abraham Sutzkever (World Premiere, piano version; first recording) Jeremiah on 9/11 – Jack Gottlieb / Text: Jeremiah I 1:2 and the composer (World Premiere, first recording) Bread Duet Gimpel the Fool, Act II – David Schiff / Libretto by Isaac Bashevis Singer, based on his story Rozhinkes mit Mandlen (Raisins with Almonds) Shulamith – Abraham Goldfaden / Text by the composer Thirst Jewish Humor from Oy to Vey – Seymour Barab / Text by the composer (World Premiere, first recording)