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Bad Luck

A dramatic feature film. Accurate translation: "Squinty Luck". Sounds good, but the story is an odyssey of a little man through Poland of 1930 to 1950. It shows his attempts to cope with a changing world which seems to have no place for him. A simple and unfortunate man who cannot not act but innocently although it is clear that he is going from bad to worse. It is a story of the hardships of a long journey of an unlucky person in Poland in the years 1930 to 1950. The man is trying to cope with a changing world in which he cannot find his place. He loses his love because he refuses to be involved in fascist politics, people think he is a Jew because of his nose, he decides to join the army in order to impress a girl, but does not participate in any battle. He is arrested after penetrating the German armed forces, wearing the uniforms of an officer and is mistakenly sent to the camp of prisoners of war (POW).