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Freedom from Tyranny - Lillian Hoffman's Struggles and Triumphs to Save Soviet Jewry

A first-ever fascinating look at 50 years of Lilian Butler Hoffman's extraordinary bravery and activism against the USSR as one of the early pioneers of the Soviet Jewry Movement. Conversations between award-winning journalist Karl Grossman and Soviet Jewry expert Glenn Richter, a founder of the Soviet Jewry in 1964; Peter M. Sichel, a senior officcer in the CIA during the Cold War; Gal Beckerma, author and journalist, The Jewish Forward; Yasha Gorodetsky; a former Leningrad refusenik and Sheila Hoffman-Bialek, daughter of Lilian and Harry Hoffman who founded the Sheila Hoffman-Bialek Foundation in honor of her mother's work with Soviet Jewry.