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Europe, The Mighty Continent - Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Volume 10 in "Europe: The Mighty Continent", a 13 parts documentary TV series that examines the history of the continent. Actor Peter Ustinov and historian John Terrine bring to life the trends, technology and tides of fortune that have so drastically reshaped Europe since 1900. The Allies - The End of War: Betrayed by Russia during her heroic Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Poland was occupied by her betrayers. So fell Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, the rest of the Balkans, half of Germany and half of Vienna. East Europe exchanged the tyranny of Hitler for that of Stalin. Britain went to the polls, cast out the Conservatives and rang in the Labour Party rejecting her wartime hero of heroes, Winston Churchill. A similar fate befell de Gualle. European empires crumbled in the wake of war.