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The Karski Report

A documentary film, in which Klod lanzman brings to the viewr unpublished parts of the interview he conducted with Karski, that were not included in his masterpiece "Shoah".Jan Karski was born in Łodz in 1914 as Jan Kosilovski (Karski was his code name in the underground, which he later adopted)… In 1942 Karski was sent to London to convey a detailed report on the situation in occupied Poland and of the Jews there… he risked his life more than once to witness the disaster of the Jews of Poland from up close. Karski relayed the report in London to the Polish government in exile and met with Winston Churchill… and with other statesmen, journalists, and public figures. Karski was among the first to warn about the Nazis’ execution of their plan for the systematic extermination of all the Jews under their control… Karski left London for the United States, there he met with US President Roosevelt and other statesmen. Karski tried, without much luck, to raise the consciousness of the leaders and rally public opinion against the murderous acts of the Germans.