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Tkuma - Kibbutz Galuyot, A Nation in Uniform, In the Shadow of the Shoah

Episodes in the documentary series produced by the Israel Broadcast Authority "Revival - The First 50 Years": "Ingathering of the Exiles" (the mass immigration 1948-1958), "A Nation in Uniform" (Israeli Security in the Years 1949-1956),"In the Shadow of the Shoah" (the relation of Israel to the Shoah 1948-1966).The third episode "In the Shadow of the Shoah", deals with the breach that existed between Shoah survivors and natives of Israel in the first decade of the state, the resistance that the reparations agreement with Germany aroused, and cut across political boundaries, the placing of the cornerstone of Yad Vashem, the Kastner Trial, Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem, youth and "The March of the Living."