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The Wanda Lists, Part 2

Wanda Sokolowska was 86 years old at the time of filming. During the Holocaust of World War Two, she rescued abandoned Jewish children whose parents were seized by the Nazis and sent to be exterminated. Wanda picked them up from the streets of the Warsaw Ghetto. At the time, she was young, blonde, beautiful and involved with a Nazi officer. She managed to get inside the Jewish ghetto and transfer the children to convents or Polish foster families. The film portrays these “children”, now adults with families of their own. At the time they were small and confused and many of them were unable to remember their parents’ or their last names. These children were rescued by courageous people like Wanda and other Polish foster parents. When the war ended they scattered around the world, and many of them still do not know their real identities to this day.