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I Want to Remember, He Wants to Forget

This documentary follows the visit of Prof. Yitzhak Leon Adizzis (Izzi) and his father Solomon (Moni) Adizzis to Macedonia and Albania, and recounts the story of their escape from Skopia to Albania in the time when Macedonia Jews were being sent to their death in Treblinka. Using an Italian passport and bribes, they managed to flee to South Macedonia and cross the Albanian border. They lived there until the end of the war, in a Moslem village, posing as Moslems who had escaped from Turkey. Moni Solomon, a medic in the Yugoslav Army, having saved the life of a young man who was accidentally shot at a wedding, became the doctor of the village. During their visit, Yitzhak and Moni meet with friends and neighbors from the past and also with members of the Albanian family from the village who had helped them. The story of the Adizzi family is told in the book “Childhood in an Albanian Shelter” written by Yitzhak Adizzi and published by Yad-Vashem.