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גאולייטר ג'וזף בורקל - סיפורו של פוליטיקאי מפפאלץ

A film about Josef Buerckel, 1895-1944, a Gauleiter (Nazi Party leader). He joined the party in 1921. Due to his negotiating talents he was appointed Reichskomissar to deal with the annexation of Austria to Germany. In 1938-1939 he was the governor of the Reich - Reichsstatthalter - of Austria and Gauleiter of Vienna. From 1940 Buerckel was the head of the Civil Administration in occupied Lorraine. In October 1940 he evicted Jews under his rule and sent them to Gurs Camp. When the front got closer he was hesitant in his defence. Martin Bormann suggests that he committed suicide. His death was announced as an accident and he was given a state funeral. Includes testimonies , photographs, archival footage and audio recordings of Buerckel.