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Films of Hate - The Nazi Cinema in the War Against the Jews, part 2

The TV series "The films of hatred" is not another series on the history of the Holocaust, but an event of interdisciplinary communications. The event was planned by experts on history, sociology, psychology, communications, film and propaganda, and deals with the stereotype of the Jew in film and the influence of media on the masses in Nazi Germany that led to murder Jews in terrible ways by their atrocity. Dr. Baruch Gitlis, international expert on the Nazi propaganda film, edited chapters of the series in a dynamic and direct, easy to grasp and understand, causing a deep discussion on the topic. The series is suitable for projection in the classroom, at a congress, and at any meeting of studies. Attached to the book series "The films of hatred", a guide for the teacher and tutor on the Nazi propaganda film accompanied by original scripts, reviews and criticism.