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Underlying Antisemitism

Naftali Gliksberg sets off on a journey following stories, people, events and places in which contemporary Anti-Semitism is manifested. This series investigates the roots of this modern Anti-Semitism, as evident in recent years around the world. The series was shot in 10 countries in Europe and the USA. Throughout its 4 episodes the viewers are exposed to incredible discoveries about the depth of Anti-Semitism in different countries and the new form it has taken. Parades in the streets and Neo-Nazi ceremonies have been replaced by a kind of social culture, shared by apparently ordinary, educated people and members of the professions, as a component of complex social networks, which will most likely never disappear. The series brings a personal, rather than didactic, dimension of this phenomenon, as manifested around the world these days. It tells difficult stories, sometimes hair-raising in their banality.