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The Lost Evidence: Iwo Jima

This documentary offers a viewpoint of the Iwo Jima battle that took place between the US and Japan in Feb-March 45 during the Pacific Campaign of WWII, known as of the fiercest of the campaign. The US invasion was charged with the mission of capturing the airfields on Iwo Jima. The Imperial Japanese Army positions on the island were heavily fortified and armed. The imperial soldiers defended their positions tenaciously, but the Marines eventually secured the island. The battle assumed legendary status in the collective consciousness of the American people. This film takes aerial photographs taken during the war and lay them over as a 3-dimensional contour map to create a CGI model of the island. These original images allow tracking the battle, step by step, from the air. Individual stories can be placed in the spot where they took place. The story of this battle is told in a way that uses cutting edge techniques, archive film, re-enactments and interviews with the men who were there.