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Zygielbojm's Death

This is a documentary on the life and death of an exceptional man. S. A. Zygielbojm, an important member of Poland's Jewish community, was smuggled out of the country in 1942 and sent abroad as the Jewish representative of the Polish government-in-exile to spread word of the Nazi atrocities in Poland. Ultimately deeming his efforts futile, Zygielbojm committed suicide after the Warsaw ghetto uprising in an attempt to shock the world out of its indifference. The film won Golden Hobby-Horse of Cracow - Special Mention at Krakow Film Festival 2001 Participants: Reuven Zygielbojm, Jan Karski, Marek Edelman, Lidia Ciołkoszowa, Estera Brunstein-Zylberberg, Feliks Szarf , Majer Bogdanski , Karol Zawisza, Wojciech Plazak, Krysztof Barborski, Andrezej Suchic