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Lili Marleen

Documentary film focusing on Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat and Righteous among the Nations, who saved approximately 10,000 Jews from the Nazis while serving in occupied Budapest. The film tells, in brief, about his activities and through the stories of prominent winners of the Wallenberg medals (Mip Heiss 1994, Kailash Satirtahi 2002, Eli Wiesel 1990, The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet 1994, John Lewis 2000, Paul Rosesgina 2005), shows the success of his enterprise. Includes archival photographs and film. Participants: Judy Lux, Jewish Community Foundation, John Godfrey, Director of Wallenberg Foundation, University of Michigan, Prof Andrew P. Nagi, Prof Irene Butter, Daniel Horowitz (University of Michigan), and the American Baptist Priest Kenneth James Plaurus.