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Refugee Voices: Moments and Memories

This collection of 13 video testimonies is part of the Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR) project that provides an extensive range of social and welfare services, and grants financial assistance to Jewish victims of Nazi persecution who came to Britain before, during and after WWII. About 70,000 refugees - including approximately 10,000 children on the Kindertransport - arrived in from Nazi-occupied Europe in the late 1930s. Many more arrived after the end of the WWII having survived in hiding, in ghettos or in concentration camps. Today, membership is extended to all Jewish victims of Nazi persecution and their spouses in the UK. Also welcome membership from the Second and Third Generations, the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors and refugees. This is the first national video archive of personal histories of Hitler’s refugees now living in Britain. The collection serves as a valuable resource for future researchers, students, educators, and general public. Including family photos.