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History of the Holocaust - EichmannTrial : The Complexity of the Truth

This documentary, part 2 in the series "Storia della shoah", tells of Eichmann trial, held in Jerusalem in 1961. Eichmann served as head of operations for the SS and was in charge of organizing the deportation of Central Europe Jewish communities to the Nazi extermination camps. His position was instrumental in the execution of the Nazi plan for the liquidation of European Jewry. The Mossad abducted Eichmann in May 1960 from his residence in Argentina, where he lived under the false identity of Ricardo Klement. Eichmann was indicted with charges of crimes against humanity, crimes against the Jewish people, war crimes, and membership of an outlawed organization. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. This was the first and only death penalty sentenced in Israel. His appeal to the Supreme Court was rejected in May 1962. Including commentaries, original films of the process and references to Hannah Arendt columns about the trial that were originally published at New-Yorker Magazine.