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Pope John Paul II

Filmed in Rome and Austria, this TV biopic tells the story of Pope John Paul II, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church from 16.10.1978 until his death in 2005. The story begins in 1938, when teen-aged Karol Wojtyla, a would-be actor, decides instead to enter the priesthood. Played from age 26 onward by actor Albert Finney, Wojtyla spends WWII years in the Polish anti-Nazi movement. He continues battling for his beliefs with the Communist-ruled Polish government in the postwar years. In 1978, Wojtyla is elected to succeed Pope John Paul I, thereby becoming the first non-Italian pope in 4 centuries. Relations between Catholicism and Judaism improved during the pontificate of John Paul II. In March 2000, he visited Yad Vashem and the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The film does refer to his particular notice and considerable thought towards Judaism. Originally telecast April 22, 1984.