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Pro-Israel: Israel - Future with Hope, Testimony of Laura Rusk, Bern, 19.02.2006

Testimonial lecture by Laura Rusk, a Holocaust survivor born in 1922 in Katowice, Poland. Rusk describes here her memories from the war years; yellow star, curfews, deportation to Landeshut (labor camp in Germany), making thread from flax, deportation to Peterswaldau (labor camp in Lower Silesia), assembling fuses for bombs, escaping with Czech prisoner, moving from town to town, reaching to Neisse, turning in by collaborator, deportation to Auschwitz, tattoo no. 79564, clearing field from big stones, hunger, terror, no rest, secretarial work in the camp office, roll-calls, deportations to other camps in Germany, liberation in Spring 1945 by Soviet troops.