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Lift Your Vision Higher: Laura Rusk - Holocaust Survivor, Israel Youth Day, Olten, Switzerland, 27.08.2005

Lecture by Laura Rusk, a Holocaust survivor from Katowice, Poland. Rusk describes her memories of the Nazi occupation, the yellow star, arrest, expulsion to Landeshut (labour camp in Germany) where she worked making thread from flax, expulsion to Peterswaldau in Lower Silesia, where she worked at a munitions factory, assembling fuses for bombs; escape with a Czech prisoner and journey by train from place to place and town to town until they arrived at Neisse, capture, sent to Aushwitz, tattoed number 79564 on left arm, worked without rest clearing away heavy stones, hunger, secretarial work in the camp office, expulsion to other camps in Germany, liberation in Spring of 1945 by Soviet forces.