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The Trial of Lionginas Jankauskas

The trial of a Lithuanian Collaborater, the priest Liongionas Jankauskas is the ceter of this documentary film.The witnesses, the courtroom. Extracts from the diary of a Jewess from Kovno. Artistic shots of dripping ice and ocean. The opening of a hand written book, a diary, photographs of young girl. Still of a New York Times article that stated: Moscow, March 8, The trial in abstenia of a Brooklyn resident accused of War Crimes began last week in Soviet Lithuania. Rev Liongionas Jankauskas, a Roman Catholic priest charged with having killed 1,200 people. The priest Jankauskas, personally shot people in the Town of Skuodas near the Latvian border. Another article states that he aided Jews. Courtroom, Women giving testimony. Footage of a general view of the town and the church. Interior of the church. Courtroom, a man testifing. Stone Monument unvieled, a diary and a photograph of a young girl and her family