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מבט שני - פרשת המאה, דרייפוס

Israel TV programme 'Second Look' marking 100 years since the 'Dreyfus Affair' an anti-semitic plot in France at the end of the 19th century when Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer, was convicted of spying for Germany. Includes a speech by Mayor Chirac next to the statue of Dreyfus in the Tuileries Gardens of Paris. Segment of the BBC production about the affair with the actor Derek Jakobi playing the role of Emil Zola. Emanuel Halperin reports from Paris on the ceremony where Dreyfus was stripped of his rank which took place in the courtyard of the military school in Paris. Discussion in the studio with Prof. Zeev Sternhel, Dr. Adi Ofir, Prof. Yakov Shavit. Interview with historian Jean Danny Bardin. Interview with Dreyfus' grandson, segment from the Gesher Theatre play about Dreyfus (a play within a play about Jews of a town in Poland who try to put on a play about the Dreyfus Affair), interview with Yves Boisset, director of the 1994 film 'L'affaire Dreyfus'. Segment from the 1901 film.