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The Travel Agency of Josef Schleich aka Schleich's Restaurant

This documentary tells the story of Josef Schleich who saved thousands of Jews in 1938-41. Schleich, who loved surrounding himself with beautiful women and had 7 children to feed, started to smuggle Jews from Germany in 1938. His apartment was a station on the route to safety. There are no precise records of his activities, but he may have helped 20,000 Jews to leave the country in 1938-41. In March 1941, when he was arrested by the Gestapo in Graz and taken to court. The film explores here original locations and presents interviews with living witnesses: his children, farmers from the border country of Austria and Slovenia, a former court clerk, survivors in Israel and the US, historians, librarians, lawyers, researchers of the Austrian Documentation Archives and other scientists, rounded off by original documents and trial reports, letters and other written records by and of Josef Schleich, as evidence for his story.