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Reunion - A Story of Survival, The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous

During WWII, three Polish sisters got the chance to have a little brother: a 6-year-old Jewish boy named Andre Nowacki, who, with his mother, hid in their Warsaw apartment 30 months. They taught him proper Polish, gave him their books to read and played with him. One day, when the Gestapo knocked on the door, they hid him under their bed and bounced on it as they would a trampoline, as a distraction. After the war they all separately resumed their lives. In 24.11.04, after nearly 60 years, Mr. Nowacki, who lives in Long Island, got to meet the sole surviving sister, Hanna Morawiecka, in a reunion arranged by the JFR. The two childhood friends spent the next 2 weeks catching up, getting to know each other's families and had Thanksgiving meal together. But they said they would also try once again to understand an abiding mystery: why Hanna's mother, Janina Kwiecinska, took such risks. This documentary tells their story. Including family photos and archive footages.