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Love Thy Neighbour, Part 1

Before the WWII, over 3,200 Jews lived in Topoľčany, Slovakia. After the war 550 remained, and today there are none. Those who returned from the Nazi concentration camps became victims of a pogrom in September of 1945, long after the liberation. This film by Dušan Hudec examines how and why something such as this could have happened. It was Slovaks and not Germans who decided to complete the Aryanization of Topoľčany. "Love Thy Neighbour" was supposed to have had its premiere in May of 2004 on Slovak Public Television, but the director banned it several days before broadcast because of racist declarations made by some of those in the film. Hudec spoke not only with survivors, but also with people whose words serve as a chilling reminder that anti-Semitism is not a closed chapter in history.