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That Was GDR (German Democratic Republic), parts 1-3.

A collection of 3 documentaries, each 90 min long, that tells of GDR (German Democratic Republic) from diverse aspects: 1. "I Was A Citizen of GDR" - Historical collage in which former citizens of the GDR, both prominent and unknown, tell of their personal feelings, experiences and attitudes toward the GDR as well as material difficulties and the dominance of the State. 2. From "Zone" to State - This documentary tells of the events leading up to the construction of the Berlin Wall on 13.8.61. The focus is not only on major political events, but also on the spirit of the times, which is reflected in images from film, photographs, posters, caricatures, pop-songs and speeches. 3. For the People's Welfare - The Honecker era is the centerpiece of this film, focusing on the economic and cultural lives that were repeatedly interrupted by State oppression.