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Gladiators of WWII - The Free French Forces

This episode in the BBC documentary series "Gladiators of WW2" focuses on the free French movement during WW2. Led by General De Gaulle, the Free French refused to accept the armistice that France had signed with Nazi Germany and were branded as traitors by the official Vichy government. Their symbol was Joan of Arc Cross of Lorraine. Few thousand men crossed the Channel to join the fight in Britain. In the Libyan Desert in June 42, Rommel was driving the British 8th Army back towards Egypt. But at Bir Hacheim he met a pocket of fierce resistance: less than 4,000 Free French troops. They also fought in Central and North Africa, Italy and North-West Europe. Thanks to them, French representatives proudly took their places at the formal German surrenders at Rheims and Berlin with their American, British, and Soviet allies. Based on archive materials and includes several eyewitness testimonies. Narration by British actor Robert Powell.