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Gladiators of WWII - The Kamikazes

This episode in the BBC documentary series "Gladiators of WW2" focuses on the Kamikaze, Japanese suicide units carrying out attacks against Allied shipping during 1944-45 at the Pacific front. These attacks, related to the Bushido tradition, followed critical defeats for Japan and its reluctance to surrender. Kamikaze pilots would intentionally crash their aircraft (usually laden with explosives and fuel) into Allied ships with a goal of causing greater damage than a conventional attack. The first Kamikaze assault took place during The Battle of Leyte in Oct' 44. The peak came during April-June 45, at the Battle of Okinawa. Kamikaze tactics were one of the reasons for the Atom Bomb dropping on Japan. Today in Japan there is a Kamikaze Museum, though many in the country see the Kamikaze as an episode in the history of Japan best to be forgotten. Based on archival photography and footages and includes several eyewitness testimonies. Narration by British actor Robert Powell.