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The Final Victory - The Felix Zandman Story

This documentary tells the story of Dr. Felix Zandman, a Holocaust survivor who became a known physicist and industrialist whose inventions created a revaluation in the electronically component industry. Zandman was born in 1927 in Grodno, then Poland, and survived the Holocaust in a secret hiding he shared with his uncle and 3 other Jews for 17 months. During his hiding he was thought by his uncle, an engineer, mathematics and physics. After the war he went to France and studied physics and engineering. In the early 60s he moved to the United States and established Vishay co-operation. Some 39 patents are named after his name. In Israel, which he visits frequently, he owns 6 companies. The film that is divided to several parts, each tells a different victory story, explores Zandman’s exceptional story. Including archive footage, family photos and interviews with Shimon Pertes and Ariel Sharon.