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The Templers - Secrets in Tel Aviv

This documentary explores the German Templers settlement in British Mandate Palestine. The Templers (Members of the Temple Society; Tempelgesellschaft), a religious protestant order founded in south Germany in the 2nd half of the 19th century, believed that redemption (2nd coming of Christ) would arrive only by inhabiting the Holy land. They settled in Palestine as of the 19th Century until their deportation by the Britishץ under suspicion charges of collaboration with the Nazis. The film tells of their lives in this country, Sarona and other agricultural settlements, community life, good neighborhood relations with Arabs and Jews, modesty, technological and agricultural progress, the visit of Kaiser Wilhelm II, architecture, the Nazi influence, their internment and deportation by the British. Including archive Footage, eye-witness testimonies and a discussion with the participation of Nir Mann, Attorney Mosheh Kamer, Attorney Ahaz Ben-Ari.