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Days that Shook the World: “The Fall of the Romanovs/Fall of the Berlin Wall

BBC and The History Channel Documentary series, dealing with crucial days and events of the 20th century. Each chapter presents archive material and dramatic reenacments. The execution of Tsar Nikolai Romanov the 2nd and his family on 17th July, 1918, which marks the transition of Tsarist Russia to Communist Russia, and the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9th November, 1989 which marks the unification of East and West Germany after a separation of 28 years and the end of the Cold War. When less than one year later, on 3rd October, 1990, Germany was officially reunified with Berlin becoming once again the capital of the state, many in Germany agreed that 9th November should be marked as unification day. However, October 3rd was chosen instead since the 1938 pogrom against the Jews – the Night of the Broken Glass – took place on November 9th.