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סמינר אנשי עדות שלב א', 13 נובמבר- 17 בנובמבר 2005 - חלק 1

Testimonies of leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising make up the soundtrack of this compilation film utilizing archival footage. “Flames in the Ashes” is the second of three films on the Holocaust produced by the Ghetto Fighters’ House, and includes an original score by Yossi Mar-Chaim. Yehuda Bauer was the historical consultant. Footage: Memorial ceremony, for the Perished of the Warsaw ghetto. Footage: Hitler on the train, riding passed mobs. Footage: Nazi train arrives in Paris, France, Nazis march in France. Footage: Fascist leader of France speaks, Facist leader of Belgium speaks, Fascist leader of Hungary speaks, mobs soluting Hitler. Footage: Leo Beck, people listening to concert. Footage: Belgrad, humiliaton, forced labor. Stills: Humiliation, shaving beards. Footage: Joseph Goebbels, German minister of propaganda. Footage: Operation "Barbarossa", German invasion of Soviet Union, Red Army prisoners of war. Footage: Rows of Jews, Jews sitting and wa