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Once and Today, a German Camp at Beogradskom Sajmištu

This documentary tells the story of Sajmiste, a Nazi Concentration Camp in Serbia on the left bank of the Sava next to Belgrad. Sajmiste was active between Dec. 41 to Sep. 44 and was used initially for Jewish prisoners. Most of the Serbian Jews lost their lives in gas tracks that were used in the camp during Spring 42. Later, in Aug. 42, when Belgrade was declared as "free from Jews", Sajmiste was used for anti-Nazi activists. In 1944 the camp was bombed from the air by American planes and the result was 80 dead and 170 wounded. The original cause for the bombings was a near by railroad track. SS men ran Sajmiste and the prisoners suffered from severe conditions of cold, hunger and diseases. About 40,000 Serbs and 7,500 Jews died in Sajmiste. Including eyewitness testimonies, historical commentaries, archival photos and footages.