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Metallic Blues

This Israeli drama deals with the subject of Israel-German relations and the collective Holocaust memory in Israel through the story of the journey of two Israeli car dealers, Shmuel (Avi Kushnir) the son of Holocaust survivors and his assistant Siso (Moshe Ivgi). The two acquire from Arabs they chance to meet in the car lot, a luxury car, a Lincoln Continental Limousine. It is clear to them that this is an unusual car that is worth a lot of money in Germany. They travel to Germany in order to sell the car but on their arrival, discover to their disappointment, that the price they can get is much lower than they thought. From here onwards, the situation gets more complicated; Shmuel loses his wallet and the car is stolen by thieves. Events unfold that test their friendship and it becomes clear to Shmuel that he cannot separate between the Germany of today and Nazi Germany. When they are on the verge of losing everything, they are ready to part with the car at cost in order to return to Israel.