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Pillar of Fire, Part 6 - Exodus 1945 - 1947

Episode 6 in the Isreali TV documentary series “The Pillar of Fire”, that explores the history of the Zionist Movement till the establishment of the state of Israel. This Episode deals with the post WWII years 1945-1947. Including archive materials and interviews. Participants: Moshe Sonnenschon – Holocaust survivor Herold Bily – Assistant to the British Foreign Office Sonia Hirsh – Refugee Israel Galili – Hagana Command John Shaw – Senior Secretary, Government of Palestine Menahem Begin – Irgun Commander, on the explosion of the King David Hotel and the Irgun people hanged on the Gallows. Adina Nissan – Member of the Irgun Ygal Alon – Hagana Commander Gita Bachner – Refugee and Exodus Passenger Yosouf Gahanam – Saudi Representative to the UN David Horowitz – Jewish Representative to the UN Nahum Goldman – Jewish Representative to the UN Aba Eban – Jewish Representative to the UN