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This is a monodrama written by Shmuel Rafael and acted by Victor Attar. It tells the story of Albert Salvado, a traditional Greek Jew who lost his whole family in the Holocaust. His story exemplifies the stories of Ladino speaking Jews in the Holocaust. Salvado, his wife, and two daughters, were sent to Auschwitz in the Winter of 1943. In the camp he worked in the "Sonderkommandos" - a unit of prisoners who aided with the killing process. He witnessed the murder of his wife. Salvado survived the war, immigrated to Israel and in a modest one-room apartment in Tel-Aviv, re-enacts his life story starting from his days in the Spanish Jewish community of Saliniki until the time he was a lonely survivor of the Holocaust. Salvado was invited to light a torch at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Day ceremony.