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Survivor Jack Gutterman

This is an interview with Jack Gutterman, a Holocaust survivor from a small town near Krakow, Poland. Gutterman was 14 years old when he arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau and separated from the eight members of his family. Only one sister, Ethel, survived the war. Gutterman was tattooed and sent to work in the crematorium. He sorted the victims’ belongings for a year. With the approach of the liberating forces, Gutterman was sent out of the camp on a death march to Buchenwald in temperatures of 25 degrees below freezing. He was also evicted from there and sent on another death march but managed to escape along with a number of friends and hide in a granary near Munich. Today Gutterman lives in Queens, NY. He is a widower and grandfather to four. Includes archival photographs and family photographs.