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The SS Hangman of Detmold - Nazi General Jürgen Stroop

The story of Juergen Stroop, an SS Nazi and police officer who suppressed the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Stroop joined the SS and Nazi party in 1932. He served as commander of the police unit until 1939. In 1941 he requested to be sent to the Eastern front and after being wounded there, was moved to police duties in the occupied territories. Stroop was posted to Warsaw on the eve of the ghetto uprising. He systematically destroyed the ghetto and sent daily reports to General Guberman in Krakow, even adding series of photographs (which were later used as evidence at the Nuremberg Trials). After this, Stroop was posted to Greece and then to the Reich 12th disrict. Towards the end of the war he tried to change his name but he was arrested by the American forces. In January 1947 the US Military Tribunal sentenced him to death. The sentence wasn't carried out and he was extradited to be tried in Poland. Stroop was hanged in March 1952.