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Holocaust Witness - Emerich Roth

A documentary film. The story of Emerich Roth, born in 1924 in Sevlus, Czechoslovakia as the oldest child of five and today residing in Sweden. Testimony and archival footage and details Roth’s story from the pre-war Jewish life in his city of birth to his present engagement in countering racism and Nazism by frequently visiting schools all over Sweden in order to tell his story. Roth was deported with his family from the local ghetto to Auschwitz, where his mother and two of his little sisters were murdered. Roth survived several different concentration camps and was initially able to stay together with his father. However, during a death march to Buchenwald towards the end of the war his father was taken away and shot. When the war came to an end only Roth and one of his sisters were still alive and they were reunited in Sweden in 1950, where Roth has been working as a social worker.