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The Green Dumpster Mystery

A documentary film . While traveling on his scooter through south Tel Aviv, Tal suddenly noticed an old photograph inside a green dumpster. Upon removing it from the container, he noticed that underneath were additional ones, as well as a couple of documents. He took the findings home and “Googled” the names of the people mentioned in the documents. He could only find reference to one of the documents, so to trace the others he had to implement a quite a detective work. Tal discovered tragic family history beginning in Łodz, Poland, transverse a Siberian Gulag, a Samarkand sugar plant, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the “Gordonia” kibbutz movement, a Haha’apala ship, a single-room apartment in a deserted Arab building in Jaffa, and an absentee IDF soldier somewhere in the sands of the Sinai Peninsula.